EVENT ended yesterday. going to concentrate on another one again.
sometimes i do ask myself. do i really like events? to work under scorching sun. to tire myself thru' out the night w/o sleeping. to grow more pimples cos due to insufficient rest. i dont know. though i really enjoy events tooo.
my event department is going thru' a re-shufflement. quite a major one. some quited. new ones joining. turning over again. should we just press-on or leave. i do not know. all these been running thru' my mind recently. what do i want.
NIKE HUMAN RACE at padang runs today. BF at work too. he's last minute put in charge of baggage counter, to over see as he just joined the company weeks ago. he's been a busy man lately no doubt he'd given me quite a few gadgets to entertain myself when he's not around. oh ya making me waited 1.5hours for him at Raffles City ytd just becos of the sentence. "give me 10 minute, i settle the stuffs and i come and meet you." im not trying to mean to force him to meet me cos i told him i could go home first. hais nvrtheless it's over, shant talk abt it anymore. orh yah, while waiting for him, i spent 20bucks just on shopping in MarketPlace. (;
what am i going to do today~
mayb dropping by Jurong Point for a window spree today. =)