Saturday, March 17, 2007

Went suntec convention hall today with Jieying.
Basically, managed to take a look at the different universities that Austrialia offer to us.
various universities that suit the faculty i am in would be:
*University of New South Wales.
*University of Newcastle.
Both offering food technology related courses.
So that in future if i really wanted to further study at overseas,
I could actually get exempted for some modules.

For example,
To get a Bachelor in Food Technology And Nutrition in Uni of Newcastle.
That would requires 3years of study. BUT because of the followingreason,
*I've got a Diploma. in Food Technology.
I could actually spend up to 1+ or 2yrs of study to get a degree!
And that would really save us quite a lump sum of $$$.
(Based on case to case basis.)

Hmmm. can consider in 1-2 years time?! hehe. =))))

Took a bus to Far East at Orchard cos i wanted to buy a organiser. (As shown below)
Shopping around Orchard Area, from Far East to Heeren to Wisma.Taka.
And I chanced upon a cosmetic kit which cost $15.00 at SASA.
That's a super great deal. with the following items shown below.
Bought it cos i think it's real cheap neglecting the fact that would it be good?!
Hahah. Nvm But once again since it's mere 15bucks only so JUST GRAB IT LA!

*Whole day i only ate subway meal at 4+pm!
I am so so so hungry now lar..
Noodles here i come. wahahaha =P