Saturday, August 19, 2006


that's just something bad about food tech. students cos we've 4 examinable modules whereas other options have 3 only. applies to both stage A n B. just dunno why cant food tech have 3 too? rrlly wondering why. LOLS!

okies, what should i say..
wednesday food flavours was not that difficult at least i managed to answer most of the questions by theory.. whereas friday ytd food packaging was a mess, some dunno how to do, some alien questions, no choice but to literally crap the paper with common sense of cos. hmmms, hope i rrlly can pass bahs. i did studied but it just din come out. feel so cheated at times. LOLS!

well.. next 2 modules is the most difficult of all!
shall jiayous and get it over n done.. though last paper and the most difficult FOOD BIOTECH, the more i must conquer it and jiayous. OMG as though fighting a war?!! LOLS =P