left with the most difficult module of all. with all those DNA stuffs to be rmb. lols! summore it's not about humans. it's about plants, food, ... everything that is gonna relates to FOOD! lols.
had food process engineering A today. nothing much to grumble about cos the paper was overall okies not that tough as i've expected it to be? haas. jus some careless mistakes which shld not be made. the reason why is because i over confident for the question. OPPS =/
hmms, will be going to KL after dis friday's paper for some relaxation with my family until monday then i shall be back to continue FYP... exams end, FYP starts! LOLS. ermm, since i din need to fork for anything, of cos i'm going KL manns! hahas opps. gees~
okays, for those who've finished their exams. congrats!
those who haven and just like me, jiayous wor.. jus a tiny bit more days. LOLS