Unable to sleep last night. kept tossing and turning..
Only managed to switch off at 3.30am! omgg that's really late(i meant early!!!) all thanks to that coffee i drank in MAC at 9+pm. Currently now having super tiring eyes! zzz!
Calculations OVER! jus had my PI exam at 9am.
The paper was alright.. not that difficcult BUT it was not easy too. i had to forsake one 8marks question jus to complete nearly the whole paper except that question lar (ofcuz) ON TIME! Omgg can you imagine if i was able to do da whole paper, i will not have sufficient TIME! aniway I was totally clueless.. dun even know how to start that question. Mayb it's better for me to leave it blank n continue doing other questions that i knew rather than wasting time, STRAINING my eyes to SEE & brain to THINK! As usual, after every calculation exams, there bound to be careless mistakes and same goes for me. lols. BUT hopefully i can get a B+ for this module!
2 more paper to go for next week
and it's ENJOY TIME!