Monday, September 12, 2005


Wasted my time typing my previous entry which was not shown here due to a HANG in the computer n shitts! i forgot what i've type! nvm then since it's over..

Find that blogging is kinda a chore to do. you know (household chores) those that u din like yet you've to do it at times. eg. sweep the floor all that? hmms enuff of crapps.

Jus wanna update that exams coming soon. you guys out der dun spend so much time blogging.. go study!lols! haaas.

My sadded exam time table:

CP4021 FDCHEA 21/09/05 9am-11.10am
CP4011 PROINS 23/09/05 9am-11.10am
CP4043 FOODMI 27/09/05 2pm-4.10pm
CP4009 BINSAN 30/09/05 9am-11.10am

Hais. got 4 modules to be tested! penngs n 2 out 4 is all MEMORISING.. omgg that's gonna kill me.. but luckily only FoodTech got 4 modules. others 5! haas oPPs! =P
