Saturday, August 13, 2005


Had a de-stress time at IMM jus now. met adeline and yongwei for a trip to GIANT to check out products that consists BUTTER, that's our food chemistry case study topic. By looking at all the foodstuffs made me feel so hungry and tempted. felt so tempt to buy all of them. Spent some time shopping and searching for dinner.

On my way home was a lonely one cos 3 of us took different bus. for me was bus no.99 managed to find a seat to sit down so that i wont be standing all the way. Came one incident, a CHINA AUNTY scolded the bus-driver for not stopping the bus and she kept complaining that she did press the bell. but seriously speaking, the 'bus stopping' light was not even lid. so guessed what? her complaints abt pressing the bell was placing her ez-link at the scanner where the 'beep' sound was not even heard. as most of you shld know, some bus-drivers jus like to locked the ez-link scanner until they're about to reach the stop. n since the bell was not even press, how do you expect the scanner to be switched to exit mode? and that fcuking china aunty kept ranting.. felt like scolding her right in the face after hearing her CHI-NA slang rantings and for what had she done wrong. sometimes jus feel sad for singapore for having so many of these type of people..
