Do not really know the problem lies with me or you. sometimes i really cant stand it. i tried to be good but sometimes i really cant stand the attitude of urs. or mayb it's my attitude you wld say. n you might say i'm petty? yesh i am. i cant take jokes. i dun like n i dun wish to take. hope as days goes by we'll be back to the same old of us.
LTC@Land.. kinda hesitating whether to go for that anorts. it's 3days2nights stay at bintan. reasons why i dun wish to go: i dun wanna waste money plus 1day later it's polyforum. i know it's not the money that matters. but jus dun understand why isaac and tatsiong wanted me to go. mayb cos i'm the centre person? as both of them i get along well with. if i din go, it'll be abit awkward for them?! hmms dunno.. n yesh i know if i din go, no one else can replace me and i also know that it's a rare chance. BUT ... haais~
everyday to school ish all about eating studying and feeling sleepy at times. eating is making me fat! mus put a stop to junk food already. on diet! =))