hmm. today went shopping! yeahh.. went to alot of places. firstly in da afternoon went shopping wif lihua before she goes to work. went to heeren, supposingly wanted to buy my havianas flipflop de. but the color i wan, dun hab my size. sad! went shopping at takashimaya too, both a normal mango basic tee at $15. alright bahh.. lihua also bot a same one as mine, but diff size of cuz! hee.
soon she needa go for work, den i went to find zhining calida yiyun thy all. zhining n i went taka again, dis time realie is shopping for clothes. we went into FOX S&K n alot others to try on. but mostly is i try lar. cuuz wanna buy new yr cum poLy clothes mar! heee. end up din buy onli bot a giodarno yellow polo tee. *decided to wear damn normal for new yr. n i was wondering why mus we wear till so nicee for new yr? hahhhz.
zhining oso went off first to meet someone else lar hor! hahahz den me go to find yiyun thy all, went to eat at cine foodcourt. i onli drank my fav lemonade plus also nort dat hungry. went shopping at cine n guess what i bot? a flipflop but nort havianas, it's ripples brand at $9.90 hah nort that ex lehh compare to havianas de. hmmm den thy all went home n i went to find huisi after her work, n we took a cab down to jpph to have our reunion STEAMBOAT! heee. ate till arnd 3plus AM den got pple send us home.