lessons was alright today. kinda tired but still manage to tahan n HANG on. haa din sleep today! yeahhh!!! haaa. some achievement huh~ lolzz today i ate alot. dunno why. mus control le.
MAC breakfast - saussage muffin n reg icetea.
FC1 lunch - Prawn mee. but eat less den half niaa.
FC3 teabrk - Ban mian tang. heee nicee manged to finished it! haaa
hmmm lastly ate my dinner at clementi. ordered chicken rice which was kinda expensive n din managed to finish it too. cuuz i nort realie that hungry. jus order for the sake?! opps!
woww. i realise i ate alot siaa. MUST STOP! =x
orhh yah. nearly forgot to blog abt MC meeting today. meeting started from 5.30-7.30pm. solid 2 hrs talk. hmmm talk n discuss alot till i tired. shall nort say what we discuss haa. it's secret! shhhz! wahahahh =)