thought of making a trip down to IKEA today to get stuffs that i required; big boxes to put my stuffs and some other things. Ah not forgetting my IKEA CAFE meatballs for dinner as my mom din cook today. but dued to some reasons which i shant mention, it was postponed to i dont know when.. probably one day i shall just go alone, grab my things and cab home then.
RR surprised me with the Fishball Noodles (yellow alkaline noodles which dyed the soup and the fishball yellow in colour) and Honey Red Tea he bought. Thanks! but you're 15minutes late cos i'd maggie noodles for dinner already. Well, bcos he bought it for me so i ate 1/2 of it lar. hahah.
Alright OFF tomorrow and meeting up with Shuting before she fly off to Australia for Hols. Good Life. I also wanna go Australia. But hais When can i go on holidays... even going to HK no matter with RR or my friends, i'd been procrastinating! needless to say, AUSTRALIA?!! dont know when then.
Back to my show. Brb!