Monday, September 11, 2006

there was the stop of electricity for some of the units of my block due to some upgrading dealings with the lift cable from 8.30am-5.30pm

thot it will be alright since i'll be in school for FYP. and guessed what? my FYP ended early as compared to the norm, so i headed home at 3pm.. i've rrlly forgotten abt the electricity matters. So i was like living in the past for arnd 3hours where i am rrlly doing nothing.. the 'IN' thing at that 3hrs time was my handphone! LOLS! jokes isnt it? wahahahs. =/

Results will be out on this coming wednesday 2pm. hope that my GPA will improve and i truly hoped so. cant afford to score even more bad than last semester already. all the best bahhs~