Sunday, December 25, 2005

We wish you a Merry Christmas x3
And a Happie New Year!


Jus a few hours ago on 24 December 05 X'mas eve..

I went to work at sentosa instead of chilling out in town..
And guessed what? the amt of tourists/pple there were like freaking alot manns! I was being stationed kinda at the entrance there where the pple starts q-ing. i was like talking non-stop, a non-stop talking machine. even though normally i already talking non-stop. OPPS! lols

I kept repeating same sentences all over agains and agains...

"Hi welcome, are you joining us for the musical fountain? currently the 7.40pm show is fulled already, mayb you want to join us for the 8.40pm show where the Q starts here.."
Kept repeating the same thing till i sehhs sehh already..
I said: "the 7.40pm show has ended" instead of saying it's full! sumore at that time it's not even 7.40pm! lols omgg.. that was really a stupid joke. i even laughed at myself! haaas.

Hmmms working can be quite fun and enjoyable. enjoyed greeting guests, especially when thy replied warmly. lols!
Okays. shan't continuee..
Wanna go into my dreamland. Take care folks!
Enjoy your christmas DAY! haaas =)
