Monday, November 07, 2005

this was the first time i din woke up even i was late.. till my mom came over to my room to wake me up. simply rush to shower, rush everything and luckily i was on time to mark attendance?! lols. due to insufficient sleep of only 5+hrs.. today my eyes were feeling super tired.. teary and redded eyes! the lessons were kindaa hypotising me to sleep i can say! but i din, managed to struggled with mimi eyes! haas~

had an interesting FMAT practical today. we're suppose to kneat dough and made pastry using different types of fat and oil and get it roasted in oven. tasted some of the pastries, some were super oily! ohmygod~ what to do? i'd to taste it manns. rushh off for council meeting today, and was feeling super desperate to GO HOME n SLEEP! forced my eyes to open for THREE HOURS! it was a long meeting and i was like sitting there stoning.. rushh home immediately after the meeting and here i am posting this entry. nahh wans to sleep already.. good nights~

*my face ish peeling and pimples appearing again! ahhs due to that sunday tanning.. no more using suntann oil for my face again!!! i hate it`-