Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm kindaa exaggerating..
today's work at sentosa was not that hard (kind of soft?! lols lame lame) jus that it's damn bloody HOT n sweaty.. hmmms everything ish jus alright, jus needa some shoutinggs BUT who cares? i love to shout aniway! haaaas

Had both my meals before and after work at Shilin Taiwan Snacks for that XXL Chicken! yummmies. u'll sure bound to get addicted to that delicious deepfried chicken BUT do not overeat it.. if not, get prepare to be sick..

Today's post ish typed using laptop.. yeahhs! finally found another modem to connect it cos this laptop simply dun hav any lan-card.. sobs but nevertheless now i can enjoy myself in my room wif aircon and quenching my thirst wif my favie F&N outrageous orangee! heeheehee lols.. =Pp
