Friday, May 06, 2005

today was a tough and tiring day for me. as usual i think dun nid me to say i'm latee.. opps! i realie wish to be on time or earlier but i hate waking up so early. what to do? i'll try my bestt to be earlie in futuree. trust me! =)

having revise gamestrial2 today. was kinda fun but once again there were some comments too. hmm jus wanna tell all GMs. you guyys did a great jobb today! but like what the GLs say, we all should be fierce but at the same time caring to freshiess too! den we'll be a very ZAI and good GM! trust me.. i also think so! and dun laugh unnecessary.. opps i mus control!

zhining tatsiong and me met peter at bugiss 5.30pm. but we're late cos.. lazy to say bahhs! peter was nort early either?! lols okk it's reckee time again! duhhs. ask peter alot of GM thinggy but he always tell us 'lengleng' very easy de. diaoos! he told us that we shld do the timing of walking from bugis to different stations! omgg.. we walked and start the timings from bugis to the station under shear's bridge. walk to all 5 different stations and then at one of the station walked back to bugis jus to get da timingg! omgg that kills. my leg is gonna breakk!!! jus dun understand.. why are we HEADS doing all dese sai kang?! lols.. but nvm lar since it's over..
