hmmm. i'm actually blogging in school. that's y got time to blog..
today had my CPPB examss..was alrightt. knew how to do but dunno correct marh. hope i can a C+ for a overall i'm happie liao! but if higher, better larh. lolz
now at lib. wannted to study mBio actually but what the hell. all tables n places all gt pple. n the place where usually have alot pple n now ish nearly empty. n that's the computer areas. DORTS!
hmmm rottingg now actually. i wan to go homee! but lazy walk that lakeside area. damnit lor! haais. i oso nort studying now. rather go home SLEEP! haaa.
today it's 05/04/05 and it's one more mth to my birthday! time realie fliess.. n oso one more mth to the release of results of the exams we're taking dis 2 weeks.
hopefully i can pass. n proccedd to yr2! n i can!